The federal government's charge is like no other
从保护公众健康到建立和维持关键的劳动力队伍,再到确保数百万美国人的退休保障, 各机构需要一个值得信赖的合作伙伴,使联邦政府始终走在变革的前沿. 默瑟就是那个合伙人.
美世支持超过30种,000 clients globally across federal and state governments, 政府间组织和所有私营部门行业. We solve big challenges for some of the largest organizations in the world: designing cost-effective healthcare and pharmacy programs that drive value-based care; rebuilding employer brand to attract and retain top talent; reskilling and upskilling workforces to fill critical talent gaps; and protecting Americans’ retirement income through prudent pension and investment risk management.
Our 25,000+ professionals are the following and more:
- 临床专家
- 精算师
- 药剂师
- 政策专家
- 注册会计师,博士,工商管理硕士
- 劳动经济学家
- Industrial-organizational psychologists
- 统计学家
- 数据科学家
- 薪酬咨询公司
- Certified Project Management Professionals (PMPs)
- 人力资源管理的转型 specialists
- 员工敬业度专家
下一代联邦医疗保健服务需要一个谨慎而慎重的战略,在政府医疗项目的监管范围内将商业创新带入98858威尼斯70570. 美世 works alongside lawmakers, 监管机构, 协会和商业团体为我们的客户提供不仅可行的行业最佳实践, but will also drive the greatest value to 供应商, beneficiaries and their families.
- High value care strategy/diagnostics
- 健康care model transformation
- 健康care legislation (ACA/Medicaid/CHIP)
- 价值取向的采购 & 支付方式改革
- COVID-19健康解决方案
美世拥有最全面的公共和私营部门医疗保健计划数据集, including data on healthcare claims, 航空公司, 区域市场趋势, 供应商, 传送系统可用性, 护理质量等等. We harness this power to develop and implement measurable, 数据驱动的策略和解决方案,将正确的提供者和受益人经验与满足客户成本目标相结合.
- 数据分析 & 可视化
- 数据摄取 & 处理
- 数据质量
Greater prescription drug utilization, 昂贵的特殊药物和不断增长的消费者期望正在让位于公共和私营部门药房福利计划的不确定未来. 美世是药学服务的领导者. 我们与未来的药学项目框架合作,提供有意义的临床, operational and financial outcomes for our clients.
- Program strategy, design and oversight
- Purchasing and reimbursement strategies
- Pharmacy benefit manager procurement and implementation
- 临床监督
- 专业药房解决方案
- 340 b的指导
默瑟的60多岁的临床医生, 医学和行为健康专业人员设计实用的策略和干预措施,推动高质量, personalized healthcare at a lower cost. 我们提供临床护理专业知识,全面满足受益人的需求.
- Value-based healthcare models
- 网络策略与设计
- Clinical best practices and total health management
- 综合护理框架和护理协调/病例管理
- Specialty and complex care solutions
- Third party administrator (TPA) contract oversight
我们专业的健康精算师拥有精算师协会和美国精算师学会的专业称号. They partner closely with clients to design, 金融, 为公共和私营部门客户定价和管理医疗保健计划,以满足客户的预算和临床质量目标.
- 计划绩效审核
- Financial analysis and cost modeling
- Medical plan premium calculations
- Rate development and risk adjustment
在过去的20年里,我们已经在公共和私营领域的临床质量结果目标上取得了进展. 美世采用快速循环的质量改进方法,利用专有的监控工具和实时评估和干预措施来实现质量改进, 问责制, and seamless integration of care for our clients. We advise on performance measure selection and oversight, value-based purchasing strategies, 合同的评估, and other clinical 质量 activities.
- Program evaluation (clinical, financial, operational)
- 质量测量
- Regulatory 合规 and monitoring
2,700+ US commercial healthcare clients
Over 30 US government healthcare clients
Over 95 million beneficiaries covered
More than $600 billion healthcare spend
随着各组织继续应对大流行并重塑其运营模式, workforce challenges continue to arise. How do you adjust your workforce for future business needs? 您如何确保您的员工在安全工作和保持健康的情况下完成业务成果? 美世公司提供了系统的, 确定和解决当前和预计的未来劳动力需求之间差距的有纪律的过程.
- Internal and external labor market analysis
- 人才 supply/demand gap assessment
- 联合分析
- 业务影响建模
- 多样性、股票 and inclusion assessment
作为美国最大的雇主, the federal government must be a model for diversity, 股本, 包容和无障碍. That requires a strategic approach to recruitment, performance management and retainment, and removal of barriers to equal opportunity. 在过去的45年里,美世与全球各地的组织合作,推进他们的DEIA战略目标.
- DEIA strategic plan development
- Leadership and management framework competency development
- Focus group administration and analysis
- 调查管理
We help organizations build strategic employee research programs that combine the right methodologies with content and agile technology; uncover employee insights; and deliver integrative 分析 and insights to ensure your workforce strategy aligns with your organization mission and business strategy.
- 员工价值主张
- 员工敬业度
- Strategic 沟通s and change management
建立一支现代化的联邦劳动力队伍需要一个奖励计划,与私营部门竞争,招募和保留尖端能力,以履行联邦的使命. 美世是一家领先的商业雇主薪酬咨询公司, 公营部门, 以及网络安全等联邦关键任务行业.
- 补偿 strategy, design, operation, benchmarking
- 总奖励策略, design, benchmarking
- 工作架构/career framework
- 薪酬公平
领先的组织需要对未来的技能需求有一个预测性的看法, 市场供应/需求, 还有一种数据驱动的总奖励方法,以保持在人才争夺战中的竞争力. 美世提供了一套广泛的服务,使组织能够识别, 雇佣, 为员工支付合适的技能,以支持关键任务角色.
- 技能薪酬:我们的端到端skill - edge套件包括咨询和数字解决方案,以提高您的薪酬计划,并推动有竞争力的总奖励计划. 我们的技能库, 技能定价的人, 和技能 Pay Planner提供最新的市场洞察,帮助您确定薪酬水平并了解员工的技能.
当联邦机构得到一个综合战略的支持时,他们就会茁壮成长,这个战略允许人力资源部门使组织发挥作用,并赋予其员工权力. 美世提供一系列咨询服务和工具,帮助联邦人力资源职能转型, 加快人力资源技术的实施和支持变革管理,以提供卓越的政府员工体验.
- HR service model and process design
- HRIT systems deployment and optimization
Building a federal workforce for the future
Over 200 compensation consultants in-house
退休 and Investment Security
Leading the way in defined benefit plan risk management
Over 900 defined benefit plans supported in the US
Over $12 trillion in assets under advisement
Over 300 credentialed actuaries in the US
美世拥有母公司达信麦克伦南(马什McLennan)的全面支持. 我们的MMC业务包括:
- 沼泽: Insurance broking and risk management
- 盖伊·卡彭特:高级风险、再保险和资本策略
- 奥纬咨询:业务战略、运营、风险管理和转型
马什McLennan’s proven methodologies in people, 战略和风险提高了国家和世界范围内公共部门的成果.
美世 is a contractor on the following contract vehicles:
- GSA professional services schedule (PSS)
- 541611年的罪
- 时间表 # 47 qraa21d004a
- 健康计划创新支持(主承包商):HPIS合同支持设计, 实施和创新TRICARE管理的医疗支持合同和医疗保健整合在国防部和退伍军人事务部
- 不确定交付不确定数量(主承包商):IDIQ包括环境扫描, gathering information from stakeholders, 调查及政策分析
- VHA综合医疗保健转型(分包商):VHA的IDIQ涵盖了与医疗系统转型相关的各种支持服务, operations support and business enabling services
- 加速退伍军人事务部的创新和学习(分包商):AVAIL合同支持退伍军人事务部的设计工作, develop and test new healthcare solutions, 模型和技术.