
98858威尼斯70570一切都是以您的需求为出发点的. We take the time to understand your overall investment objectives and pain points and define an effective approach. 我们利用我们最新的想法和见解, and strategic and manager research to help you make better informed decisions. Get advice and guidance to help you identify effective ways to convert these insights into achievable and desirable outcomes – including portfolio construction and asset allocation. 如果你需要我们在战略执行方面的帮助, we can become an extension of your team and build a bespoke and agile implementation solution tailored to your portfolio needs.
No one knows your industry and business better than you. Our goal is to come to the table prepared to listen and engage with you so that we can bring the best advice and tools to apply to your unique situations, 任务及优先事项.
 Marc Cordover


美世 investments and retirement 咨询: How we can help

无论你是雇主, 机构投资者, 非营利组织, 金融中介或家族办公室, 美世 investments and retirement 咨询 aims to help you develop an investment solutions strategy unique to your situation, 并为您提供所需的服务和支持.
  • 实施和OCIO

    我们可以帮你定义, develop and implement your investment strategy by addressing areas such as governance, 风险, 可持续性和多样化. We flex our services to suit your needs and help you achieve your investment goals.
  • 可持续投资 

    We help you build a sustainable investment strategy that integrates environmental, social and governance (环境、社会和治理) considerations; diversity, equity and 包含(一些) factors and seeks an optimal mix between positive change and favorable returns.
  • 另类投资

    Leveraging our existing relationships with hundreds of asset managers around the world, we can help you identify and source new investment strategies, 机会, ideas and innovations across 私人市场 and hedge funds. 
  • 战略研究 

    成为美世洞察的一员® Community today to get access to strategic research from hundreds of thought leaders around the world, 包括美世和第三方出版商. 它是免费的,很容易加入.
  • 资产管理公司研究 

    通过订阅美世洞察®, 与投资公司结盟, 您可以访问数据, 分析 and our forward-looking research on asset managers and thousands of investment strategies across both public and 私人市场. 
  • 管理投资风险

    Our 美世哨兵 team can help you conduct due diligence and mitigate operational 风险s across your portfolios and strategies. 我们评估资产管理人, custodians and other service providers to help you deliver on your governance objectives.


随着市场环境的不断变化, investors face myriad challenges in reaching their financial goals. You can choose just the solutions you need from our established investment solutions platform to keep your investment objectives in focus and evolve your options as your needs change.

  • 有助于提高绩效的研究: Asset allocation strategies and the right investments can help investors reach their goals.
  • 帮助提供专家建议的: Uncover the right investment and retirement strategies that fit your unique requirements to help meet your goals.
  • 有助于降低风险的治理: A strong governance foundation is critical to long term investment success.
  • 有助于提升价值的规模:  Consider how an OCIO solution could help your organization.



    简化搜索. Get strategic research tailored to your interests from thought leaders across the investment industry, including 美世 and hundreds of third‑party publishers. Membership is complimentary, and it takes seconds to sign up.


    Tell us your needs and our Investment and 退休 specialists will guide you down the right path.

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